Category: Viral Use Cases

What are the benefits of referral marketing?

What are the benefits of referral marketing?

What are the benefits of Referral Marketing? Tips, Tricks & Growth Expertise What is referral marketing? Referral marketing is a form of marketing that relies on the recommendations of existing customers to help attract new ones. It is a highly effective strategy for startups, as it allows them to leverage their existing customer base to […]

Increase Retention and Loyalty

Increase Retention and Loyalty

Using PerkZilla to Increase Retention & Brand Loyalty Tips, Tricks & Growth Expertise As you may know, it’s typically cheaper to retain a customer rather than to replace them with a new one. That’s why we’ve ingrained the concept of increased retention and brand loyalty directly into the PerkZilla platform. A little creativity and generosity […]

Gather Reviews and Testimonials

Gather Reviews and Testimonials

Using PerkZilla to Gather Reviews & Testimonials Tips, Tricks & Growth Expertise User feedback is critical to the success of any growing business… most people are hesitant to be the first to try something new. It’s no secret that solid reviews and testimonials are a key ingredient in having a successful brand… people want to […]

Gain Insights & Intelligence

Gain Insights & Intelligence

Using PerkZilla to Gain Insights & Intelligence Tips, Tricks & Growth Expertise Growing a business is not simply about gaining more users, but continually adapting and improving to keep up with market trends and stay ahead of the field. It really comes down to, if you’re not moving forward… you’re getting left behind. To improve […]

Grow Your Audience

Grow Your Audience

Using PerkZilla to Get More Users Tips, Tricks & Growth Expertise Getting new users can be a hefty challenge no matter the size of your business. Using traditional advertising to acquire more users can require a massive budget, months of content optimization and even then it’s still not always sustainable. Once you spend the time, […]

It only takes 5 new signups for a 5x ROI 🚀